Friday, May 2, 2008


I was unloading my luggage when Kalsum saw bowls of maggie. She asked where I had been taking my meals. For 3 consecutive nites, a friend took me to her soon to be son-in law's restaurant. Located nearby Canton Rd, the restaurant occupies the ground floor. Due diligence is being conducted now. Thereafter, if the price is right, Shadowman will be owned by a Msian. Halal food & long list of menu from roti prata, nasi lemak, noodles, western. "macam2 ada". All that I tasted rase sedap. I recommend Shadowman to one who care halal food, regardless ownership is transferred or not. The crowd was good. It needs no further advertisement.

I also brought home spiral mushroom yg sepatutnya I campak dlm maggie. HK$18/pack. "Mahalnya" kate Kalsum. Restaurant food pun mahal. About HK$20 per bowl of sea food noodle soup. Is this anything to do with the mainly slim, shapely Hongkees, ladies and men alike?

1 comment:

jibrail said...

kalau son in law nye pergi sana, apa jadi pada daughternye? senanglah mak mentuanye nak makan kat hong kong. eh jom buat rombongan kesana?