Friday, August 29, 2008


Yati's mother passed away last Wednesday. She did not survive the operation to remove the blood clot in her brain after she fell the day before. We rushed to PPUM to console Yati.(Yati is our sales clerk at Taman Ixora. She joined the Group about a year ago). Apparently Yati was left with her younger brother to arrange for the body home. It was my 1st experience masuk bilik jenazah. The person in charge asked us if we had brought kain to cover. Alahai..sedihnya. We did not. While waiting, I checked on the condition of the van jenazah. Basic. No pillow or soft mattress on the mounted platform. I saw no seat in the van, except for one next to the driver's. Meaning mayat sendiri terbaring di belakang, tidak berteman? Aduhai... Soon I found myself seated on the mounted platform, next to the jenazah. When the van entered the Federal Highway, all vehicles moved very2 slow. Jammed. Van berjalan perlahan & kerap terhenti2. Ku harap Allah merahmati jenazah ini mengurniakannya kelesesaan dalam keadaan ini. Sesekali adik Yati yang duduk di sebelah driver menepuk2 bahu ibunya, as if assuring her that the journey home was going to be smooth. Mulutnya kumat kamit membacakan ayat2 Al Qur'an untuk ibu yang dicintai. Walau pun dia kelihatan muda, namun tenang menghadapi dugaan. Bertuah sungguh arwah ibu yang mempunyai anak sedemikian. Pukul 3.30 petang baru kami sampai ke Sg Udang Kelang..

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