Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Warren Buffet

This is an extract of an e-mail I received today:

Warren Buffet is the world's 2nd richest man. He has donated US$31billion to charity. His advice to young people:

Stay away from credit cards and bank loans. Invest in yourself, and remember:
1. Money doesn't create man but it is man who created money
2. Live your life as simple as possible
3. Don't do what others say. Listen to them. But do what you feel good about doing
4. Don't follow brand names. Just wear those things you feel comfortable
5. Don't waste your money, rather spend your money on things you really need
6. Afterall it is your life, so why allow others to rule you

The happiest people do not necessarily have the best things. They simply appreciate the things they have.

....hmmm coming from Warren Buffet. What did I do the last 15 years

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